www.gusucode.com > 24Beta 虚拟主机版 1.0.0 Beta源码程序 > 24Beta 虚拟主机版 1.0.0 Beta源码程序/24Beta-1.0.0-vhost/library/framework/web/auth/CPhpAuthManager.php

 * CPhpAuthManager class file.
 * @author Qiang Xue <qiang.xue@gmail.com>
 * @link http://www.yiiframework.com/
 * @copyright Copyright &copy; 2008-2009 Yii Software LLC
 * @license http://www.yiiframework.com/license/

 * CPhpAuthManager represents an authorization manager that stores authorization information in terms of a PHP script file.
 * The authorization data will be saved to and loaded from a file
 * specified by {@link authFile}, which defaults to 'protected/data/auth.php'.
 * CPhpAuthManager is mainly suitable for authorization data that is not too big
 * (for example, the authorization data for a personal blog system).
 * Use {@link CDbAuthManager} for more complex authorization data.
 * @author Qiang Xue <qiang.xue@gmail.com>
 * @version $Id: CPhpAuthManager.php 970 2009-04-30 02:59:02Z qiang.xue $
 * @package system.web.auth
 * @since 1.0
class CPhpAuthManager extends CAuthManager
	 * @var string the path of the PHP script that contains the authorization data.
	 * If not set, it will be using 'protected/data/auth.php' as the data file.
	 * Make sure this file is writable by the Web server process if the authorization
	 * needs to be changed.
	 * @see loadFromFile
	 * @see saveToFile
	public $authFile;

	private $_items=array();			// itemName => item
	private $_children=array();			// itemName, childName => child
	private $_assignments=array();		// userId, itemName => assignment

	 * Initializes the application component.
	 * This method overrides parent implementation by loading the authorization data
	 * from PHP script.
	public function init()

	 * Performs access check for the specified user.
	 * @param string the name of the operation that need access check
	 * @param mixed the user ID. This should can be either an integer and a string representing
	 * the unique identifier of a user. See {@link IWebUser::getId}.
	 * @param array name-value pairs that would be passed to biz rules associated
	 * with the tasks and roles assigned to the user.
	 * @return boolean whether the operations can be performed by the user.
	public function checkAccess($itemName,$userId,$params=array())
		if(!empty($this->defaultRoles) && $this->checkDefaultRoles($itemName,$params))
			return true;

		// check directly assigned items
		foreach($this->getAuthAssignments($userId) as $assignment)
			Yii::trace('Checking permission "'.($item ? $item->getName() : 'unknown').'"','system.web.auth.CPhpAuthManager');
			if($item!==null && $this->executeBizRule($assignment->getBizRule(),$params,$assignment->getData())
				&& $this->executeBizRule($item->getBizRule(),$params,$item->getData()))
					return true;

		// check all descendant items
			foreach($items as $item)
				Yii::trace('Checking permission "'.$item->getName().'"','system.web.auth.CPhpAuthManager');
						return true;

		return false;

	 * Checks the access based on the default roles as declared in {@link defaultRoles}.
	 * @param string the name of the operation that need access check
	 * @param array name-value pairs that would be passed to biz rules associated
	 * with the tasks and roles assigned to the user.
	 * @return boolean whether the operations can be performed by the user according to the default roles.
	 * @since 1.0.3
	protected function checkDefaultRoles($itemName,$params)
		foreach($this->defaultRoles as $role)
			Yii::trace('Checking default role "'.$role.'"','system.web.auth.CPhpAuthManager');			
			if($item!==null && $item->checkAccess($itemName,$params))
				return true;
		return false;

	 * Adds an item as a child of another item.
	 * @param string the parent item name
	 * @param string the child item name
	 * @throws CException if either parent or child doesn't exist or if a loop has been detected.
	public function addItemChild($itemName,$childName)
			throw new CException(Yii::t('yii','Either "{parent}" or "{child}" does not exist.',array('{child}'=>$childName,'{name}'=>$itemName)));
			throw new CException(Yii::t('yii','Cannot add "{child}" as a child of "{parent}". A loop has been detected.',
			throw new CException(Yii::t('yii','The item "{parent}" already has a child "{child}".',

	 * Removes a child from its parent.
	 * Note, the child item is not deleted. Only the parent-child relationship is removed.
	 * @param string the parent item name
	 * @param string the child item name
	 * @return boolean whether the removal is successful
	public function removeItemChild($itemName,$childName)
			return true;
			return false;

	 * Returns a value indicating whether a child exists within a parent.
	 * @param string the parent item name
	 * @param string the child item name
	 * @return boolean whether the child exists
	public function hasItemChild($itemName,$childName)
		return isset($this->_children[$itemName][$childName]);

	 * Returns the children of the specified item.
	 * @param mixed the parent item name. This can be either a string or an array.
	 * The latter represents a list of item names (available since version 1.0.5).
	 * @return array all child items of the parent
	public function getItemChildren($names)
			return isset($this->_children[$names]) ? $this->_children[$names] : array();

		foreach($names as $name)
		return $children;

	 * Assigns an authorization item to a user.
	 * @param string the item name
	 * @param mixed the user ID (see {@link IWebUser::getId})
	 * @param string the business rule to be executed when {@link checkAccess} is called
	 * for this particular authorization item.
	 * @param mixed additional data associated with this assignment
	 * @return CAuthAssignment the authorization assignment information.
	 * @throws CException if the item does not exist or if the item has already been assigned to the user
	public function assign($itemName,$userId,$bizRule=null,$data=null)
			throw new CException(Yii::t('yii','Unknown authorization item "{name}".',array('{name}'=>$itemName)));
		else if(isset($this->_assignments[$userId][$itemName]))
			throw new CException(Yii::t('yii','Authorization item "{item}" has already been assigned to user "{user}".',
			return $this->_assignments[$userId][$itemName]=new CAuthAssignment($this,$itemName,$userId,$bizRule,$data);

	 * Revokes an authorization assignment from a user.
	 * @param string the item name
	 * @param mixed the user ID (see {@link IWebUser::getId})
	 * @return boolean whether removal is successful
	public function revoke($itemName,$userId)
			return true;
			return false;

	 * Returns a value indicating whether the item has been assigned to the user.
	 * @param string the item name
	 * @param mixed the user ID (see {@link IWebUser::getId})
	 * @return boolean whether the item has been assigned to the user.
	public function isAssigned($itemName,$userId)
		return isset($this->_assignments[$userId][$itemName]);

	 * Returns the item assignment information.
	 * @param string the item name
	 * @param mixed the user ID (see {@link IWebUser::getId})
	 * @return CAuthAssignment the item assignment information. Null is returned if
	 * the item is not assigned to the user.
	public function getAuthAssignment($itemName,$userId)
		return isset($this->_assignments[$userId][$itemName])?$this->_assignments[$userId][$itemName]:null;

	 * Returns the item assignments for the specified user.
	 * @param mixed the user ID (see {@link IWebUser::getId})
	 * @return array the item assignment information for the user. An empty array will be
	 * returned if there is no item assigned to the user.
	public function getAuthAssignments($userId)
		return isset($this->_assignments[$userId])?$this->_assignments[$userId]:array();

	 * Returns the authorization items of the specific type and user.
	 * @param integer the item type (0: operation, 1: task, 2: role). Defaults to null,
	 * meaning returning all items regardless of their type.
	 * @param mixed the user ID. Defaults to null, meaning returning all items even if
	 * they are not assigned to a user.
	 * @return array the authorization items of the specific type.
	public function getAuthItems($type=null,$userId=null)
		if($type===null && $userId===null)
			return $this->_items;
			foreach($this->_items as $name=>$item)
		else if(isset($this->_assignments[$userId]))
			foreach($this->_assignments[$userId] as $assignment)
				if(isset($this->_items[$name]) && ($type===null || $this->_items[$name]->getType()==$type))
		return $items;

	 * Creates an authorization item.
	 * An authorization item represents an action permission (e.g. creating a post).
	 * It has three types: operation, task and role.
	 * Authorization items form a hierarchy. Higher level items inheirt permissions representing
	 * by lower level items.
	 * @param string the item name. This must be a unique identifier.
	 * @param integer the item type (0: operation, 1: task, 2: role).
	 * @param string description of the item
	 * @param string business rule associated with the item. This is a piece of
	 * PHP code that will be executed when {@link checkAccess} is called for the item.
	 * @param mixed additional data associated with the item.
	 * @return CAuthItem the authorization item
	 * @throws CException if an item with the same name already exists
	public function createAuthItem($name,$type,$description='',$bizRule=null,$data=null)
			throw new CException(Yii::t('yii','Unable to add an item whose name is the same as an existing item.'));
		return $this->_items[$name]=new CAuthItem($this,$name,$type,$description,$bizRule,$data);

	 * Removes the specified authorization item.
	 * @param string the name of the item to be removed
	 * @return boolean whether the item exists in the storage and has been removed
	public function removeAuthItem($name)
			foreach($this->_children as &$children)
			foreach($this->_assignments as &$assignments)
			return true;
			return false;

	 * Returns the authorization item with the specified name.
	 * @param string the name of the item
	 * @return CAuthItem the authorization item. Null if the item cannot be found.
	public function getAuthItem($name)
		return isset($this->_items[$name])?$this->_items[$name]:null;

	 * Saves an authorization item to persistent storage.
	 * @param CAuthItem the item to be saved.
	 * @param string the old item name. If null, it means the item name is not changed.
	public function saveAuthItem($item,$oldName=null)
		if(($newName=$item->getName())!==$oldName) // name changed
				throw new CException(Yii::t('yii','Unable to change the item name. The name "{name}" is already used by another item.',array('{name}'=>$newName)));
			if(isset($this->_items[$oldName]) && $this->_items[$oldName]===$item)
				foreach($this->_children as &$children)
				foreach($this->_assignments as &$assignments)

	 * Saves the changes to an authorization assignment.
	 * @param CAuthAssignment the assignment that has been changed.
	public function saveAuthAssignment($assignment)

	 * Saves authorization data into persistent storage.
	 * If any change is made to the authorization data, please make
	 * sure you call this method to save the changed data into persistent storage.
	public function save()
		foreach($this->_items as $name=>$item)
				foreach($this->_children[$name] as $child)

		foreach($this->_assignments as $userId=>$assignments)
			foreach($assignments as $name=>$assignment)


	 * Loads authorization data.
	public function load()


		foreach($items as $name=>$item)
			$this->_items[$name]=new CAuthItem($this,$name,$item['type'],$item['description'],$item['bizRule'],$item['data']);

		foreach($items as $name=>$item)
				foreach($item['children'] as $childName)
				foreach($item['assignments'] as $userId=>$assignment)
					$this->_assignments[$userId][$name]=new CAuthAssignment($this,$name,$userId,$assignment['bizRule'],$assignment['data']);

	 * Removes all authorization data.
	public function clearAll()

	 * Removes all authorization assignments.
	public function clearAuthAssignments()

	 * Checks whether there is a loop in the authorization item hierarchy.
	 * @param string parent item name
	 * @param string the name of the child item that is to be added to the hierarchy
	 * @return boolean whether a loop exists
	protected function detectLoop($itemName,$childName)
			return true;
		if(!isset($this->_children[$childName], $this->_items[$itemName]))
			return false;

		foreach($this->_children[$childName] as $child)
				return true;
		return false;

	 * Loads the authorization data from a PHP script file.
	 * @param string the file path.
	 * @return array the authorization data
	 * @see saveToFile
	protected function loadFromFile($file)
			return require($file);
			return array();

	 * Saves the authorization data to a PHP script file.
	 * @param array the authorization data
	 * @param string the file path.
	 * @see loadFromFile
	protected function saveToFile($data,$file)
		file_put_contents($file,"<?php\nreturn ".var_export($data,true).";\n");